MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 227 Tuesday January 31st 2012
Listen to today's show on MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking below...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2012-01-31T13_49_12-08_00 Well today is the last day of January 2012hope you enjoyed everything you delved
into like maybe watching football playoffs
I hear there's some game this Sunday to scoff
I can't wait to watch that, no, I'm really kidding
I'll be doing something else of my bidding
like watching a Downton Abbey marathon
you can watch all 8 episodes online if you want to get on
I watched the most recent last night and it was simply heartbreaking. It kept me up thinking about it.
I know that makes me look like a sensitive oaf
you may also like to know that I love meatloaf...but never cold...I don't know how people do that.Today we hear from Floyd the Floorman, John Deer the Engineer, and Chely Shoeheart the Giftshop Supervisor, PLUS we bring you the segment RIDICULOUS RANDOM POSTS. Tomorrow we'll bring you the return of the highly acclaimed segment WILLYA SHADUP's LIBERTY NATION FREEDOM PHONE FOR ALL! Opinionated people never sounded so idiotic! Plus we'll hear from The Brewmaster, Benita the Rodeo Queen, and The Disgruntled Fiddle Player: three people that will watch both the superbowl and downton abby this weekend on split screens at a party they're throwing called "Footballs and Pompous Halls." I haven't rsvp'd yet. Probably won't. MikeSponsor this show and see the sky change, the flower's bloom, and all your little ugly skin blotches disappear. Possibly. Email me at MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com Podcast.Blog.comSubscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 Or listen on your phone at Stitcher.com at http://www.stitcher.com/MIKESDAILY and enter the promo code MIKESDAILY to possibly win the $100 cash card!"Like" this show on facebook at http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcas