Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm promoting this blog by giving stuff away I was trying to sell on craigslist. Is this a good idea or am I batshi# crazy? Comment below. Say if u want 2 pdcst

Monday, April 26, 2010

Walking with my boxer and he's resting in the middle of our walk. It's a beautiful day and he gets a little overheated. Perfect time for a tiny blog. Comment...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I lived just 10 minutes from the Tennessee border (in Alabama). This is the state that is proud to be the home of the idiot that sent an adopted child back to Russia with NOTHING BUT A NOTE saying she couldn't deal with him.

Does this not send the most absolute worse impression of America to the world? We treat people, like our resources, like so much disposable aluminum cans.

Russia, to the their credit, has said NO to America. No more adoptions.

As someone who has a friend that has spent YEARS going through the adoption process, this story is just sickening. My friend has spent countless hours on paperwork and emotional highs and lows going throw the process with now THREE different countries. Each country was another 2 years, another bout of waiting for an answer and for papers to be processed, another check, another rejection.


At the very least this woman should have sought help. She should have gone to as many counselors, psychologists, therapists, etc to work this out. YOU DON'T GET TO SEND A CHILD BACK! She should be publicly humiliated.

I have little respect for anyone who sympathizes with her. You might say, Oh, you don't know what she went through. She might have had a very very hard time of it.

If the kid killed her husband, maybe I'd be a little more sympathetic. I think anyone would. But this just sounds like someone who didn't take enough time to solve what is a solvable problem.

Hopefully we as a country will not allow this sort of thing to happen again.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I am walking my boxer and he suddenly decides to lay down and rest. I must stop and blog. Looking out over the world I wonder what the next step in my career is

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Comment below this entry if you'd like me to interview you for my next podcast "Mike's Podcast Picnic." You can hear it at MikeTalks.vox.com U can also sponsor!

Friday, April 16, 2010


I guess when the day that gets you the most heated finally comes around, you have to either put up or shut up.

In their case, they were flushed out.

So to look through several news outlets not controlled by the "left wing conspiracy," the complaint that is at the basic foundation of the tea party, that we pay too much in taxes, is untrue. We don't and we're paying far less than we have in a long time. Most people don't even know the kind of tax breaks they're getting because the one the thing this current administration can be criticized for is they're not publicizing it enough.

So if that's the case, where were these tea-drinking hypocrites 3 even 2 years ago when we had a president taxing us more? Oh wait, he was a Republican, that doesn't count.

So (yes, the third paragraph I'm starting with that word) the fox tv variety show host sean hannity, whom I must disclose I worked with back at KCSB in 1989 before he became "a success," was supposed to be the big guest at the cincinnati tea party rally. He had to cancel because the organizers of the event were charging for admission. They were "taxing" their attendees. No matter how much s.h.(*t) tries to explain himself and say what the teabaggers were really doing (protesting a black president) was commendable, the fact is he drew more attention by NOT SHOWING. He basically caused "the big curtain drop" on this ill-founded movement.

I have Republican friends. I understand their complaints of big government. I get lost in their explanation, however, of trying to defend a biggoted grass-roots organization.

I must not be drinking enough tea. I do love a good ice tea...with just a dash of stevia.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


What? You didn't see this headline recently? Oh, it happens often nowadays. Why? Because of "the economy."

That and only the CRAP rises to the top. The white, male CRAP!

So I work for a company for 8 years, do everything I can for it, burn out my weekends for it, kill most my nights for it, and then I get respectfully dismissed. No one cries foul. No one wonders about the horrible imbalance of power. No one wonders why.

This happens over and over not only in the entertainment industry (ie. Conan) but elsewhere in every business that lives. Only the crap rises.

It depresses me. I wonder, am I the only one? No! Apparently this happens to all who get let go from former companies. Well, more so from those who gave their all.

I can only feel better knowing that I'm happy not having to work for such an awful company anymore. A company that let me go USING A SURROGATE! Yes, the white male fool didn't even have the courage to do it himself. Just months earlier, I was told to let go one of my own staff and it was a hard experience as I had to drive the said individual home (since they had driven to work in the company car). The fool who dismissed me did it from a desk hundreds of miles away while he was thinking about his golf game or some stupid Alabama football team.

I feel there has come a time, now, in this Democratic run government, where the feathered bird has come home to roost and the brown substance has hit the fan. Companies are finding it harder to run this way, making the cowardly white people scared and bringing power back to the hard working Americans.

I pound this keyboard in a very bitter state. But let me tell you that this blog brings me solace. It brings me happiness to know that others out there have been here. They have seen this. They may even know the company I complain about without saying the name or the people involved. There are hard hardworking people. They need to be recognized.

They need to know their sweat was not in vain.

Conan found fairness in TBS. May we all find our TBS.

So as you may know I am not a fan of regular TV. News came out today that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people are canceling their TV service.


How are they getting their entertainment? Oh, it's little thing called the COMPUTER! It can show them any TV show AND it can give it to them with only one (sometimes 2) 30 to 60 second commercials.

Why? Why would you sit through 3 minute commercial sets ever again? Why would you watch the stupid local talking head idiots that garnish the local news. You've got all the news you need on your computer. I found out about Conan going to TBS long before tv or radio ever announced it.

Why would you ever pay for lousy lousy television? Yes, there are a few good shows left, but you can watch them WHEN YOU WANT TO on the computer (of course, after they've aired on regular tv the first time).

DVD services are getting cheaper and cheaper. Though Blockbuster is getting their balls busted, all the online services and your local supermarket redbox-type services are exploding! Redbox has a pretty limited service, but Netflix, etc, lets you get old movies and entire tv show seasons with the click of a button.

Which leads me to a DVD I really enjoyed, Chris Rock's "Good Hair" documentary. This was hil-HAIR-ious! Okay, enough of the Gene Shalit puns. I was really surprised how funny this was and very eye opening for a white male. I had no idea what black women went through to get that "straight hair look" and how the cost effects black men. Chris Rock took the topic and hit it from every angle. Believe me, there's lots of fascinating and funny material in all this. I am all about embracing your "natural look" (I was born with very curly hair I could never manage growing up and was teased mercilessly until one day I stopped trying to comb it and let it become a fro. Subsequently, as I got older my "receding hair line gene" kicked in and I lost all my hair. I said no to Rogaine and just went bald. I shave it every other day now.)

As for a great tv show to watch online, my wife and I are hooked on "The Dog Whisperer," "Parenthood" and she's more hooked on "Project Runway" than I am. I love Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn but the judges are so uneven in their critiques I think they've shot their credibility long ago. "Parenthood" has gotten better the longer it's been on, and "Dog Whisperer" is so helpful if you own a dog. Other dog trainers I've seen on camera are always so stale and boring, they make owning a dog seem like such a chore. The way Cesar Milan shows the beauty in living with your dog the right way is brilliant. There is something so rewarding in watching his show and it doesn't get too shmaltzy and fake like so many other reality base shows.

So cancel your cable! Keep your computer access. Set up a couch by your computer! Plug in some good speakers. Oh, and if you're into sports you're not listening to a word I said because you're addicted to all the scantily-clad women commercials (and they really haven't come up with a way to televise sports on the internet). But for non-sports obsessed people like me, I'm loving my internet-based world.

It's about time cable companies saw us giving them the finger!

Monday, April 12, 2010


He said reluctantly.

Though Conan says moving to basic cable is part of his plan after going from network tv to twitter, I think Conan moving to TBS at least means he doesn't have to deal with the "major idiots" that run network tv.

Everyone thought for sure he was going to FOX. Turns out the dark overlord of media, Rupert Murdock, wasn't convinced and told his suits to bring him complex mathematical formulas to prove it would be profitable.

Who needs that kind of pressure? He had that in spades with NBC.

Now he can be where a nice young following is developing with George Lopez and other sitcom/comedy fair. He will rule the roost there just as Jon Stewart rules Comedy Central at the same time period...uh oh.

That is going to be problematic. Conan vs Jon. They have the same type of irreverent brilliant humor. They are immensely entertaining. However, this IS 2010 and we have tivo and other such amazing advances in comedy watching.

Maybe they can even appear on each other's shows. Make it a "non-sweeps" week, when either one is on vacation anyway.

That's not important. The important thing is Conando is coming back in November and hopefully he'll steal enough of Leno's audi...

Wait a minute, is anybody watching that boring conservative chin fest really going to watch Conan?

Who needs 'em!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I always walk into the store for a few things. I even force myself to carry a basket. One broken arm later, I'm hauling 80 things to my car! Do you ever basket?
Ipad. Is that just a waste of money? I'll wait till they make a very small computer. Why was Apple that worried about the Kindle crowd? People like paper more!!

Yes, Train. That band that sings sometimes very bizarre, not all together original lyrics. I have liked most of their stuff, got a couple of their cd's. My wife says that I HAVE to see them live because she saw them play at Golden Gate Park 8 years ago and says it was one of the best shows she ever saw. Since I used that exact same reasoning on her about the group Crowded House (I saw them in 1989 and then saw them again in 2007, both times in Santa Barbara) we are going to see Train tonight.

What am I expecting? Pat Monahan's voice is supposed to be tremendous live. I've seen him on some awards shows and he seems to do a great job. My wife says he does "Dream On" better than Aerosmith. We'll see if he does it tonight.

Why do we pay the insane amount of money to go see concerts? Why do we give LiveNation and Nederlander and all those idiots our hard earned money? They charge us SOOO much for just a little piece of paper. Sure, it's at least 30 bucks to see a concert, but what's with the extra 30 bucks they get for all this processing crap? It's not fair. Obama needs to go after that next.

And you can bet when he does the conservative talk show hosts will harp on him for taking money away from hard working concert promoters. All those huge radio stars are in Clear Channel's pockets, anyway, and CC owns all the ticket companies. Much money is being taken from us by the wrong people.

I'm going to see this show tonight and sing along to some somewhat well written songs and in the end my wife and I are going to have an excellent time.

That is, if I don't think about how much I paid for the tickets.

Monday, April 5, 2010


The other day I was talking to a conservative friend of mine and he started whining that Obama was passing legislation to make it law that calories be posted on menus in chain restaurants.

Well of course!

I didn't get into a big discussion with my friend about it, but the facts are these: Americans are fat. Really fat. No that's not just something you're hearing all the time from the "left-wing media." We ARE fat.

Living in Alabama where nobody goes outside and nobody walks or exercises, I saw people of enormous size. Even now here in California, I see some big people, but I also see big people trying to work off the weight by walking on the ample walking trails supplied everywhere by the state.

Last year my wife and I discovered SparkPeople dot com. The thing that makes this website so fantastic is it shows you exactly how many calories are in the things you eat. When I could actually see it I was flabbergasted. When I could actually see it I was struck by how my body works and how any left over calories at the end of the day is going to be turned into fat.

I lost 30 pounds with SparkPeople in 4 months. Well, I thank them and living in the hottest place on earth, Huntsville, AL. I couldn't walk two feet during the summer without exploding into sweat.

Here in California my wife and I have gotten a dog, a boxer, and I am walking him everywhere since there is an abundance of walking trails here. So many that I could cry (Alabama had virtually nothing). I would like to get back into lifting weights at some point but right now I'm focusing on walking.

We need to be shown what the calories are. Calories are as important if not more important than the price also listed next to the menu item. To complain about making this a law is just another way to hate our current president. The huge food franchises don't care how fat we get. They put nutritional things on their menu but they're pathetic at best. If you're putting over a thousand calories into one of your sandwiches (which you are advertising everywhere about) then I need to know! The major fast food places will NOT regulate themselves. We saw how well companies handling our money regulate themselves!

Yes, people that already eat crappy food are going to continue eating crappy food and being fat, etc. But the rest of us who are trying to make sense of what we put in our bodies are thankful. We are able to keep track without having to have a computer by our side.

Seriously, you conservatives are really a bunch of whiners lately. You have got to put a sock in it. No one wants to hang out with so many negative people!