Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I stand corrected!

I was avoiding "The Blind Side" since I saw "The Proposal" on the plane moving back from Alabama to California and had to tell myself to stop looking at the screen and ditching my rented earphones after 20 minutes.

"The Blind Side" is well done. Some say Sandra did hardly any acting in it. I disagree. She really made me believe she was that mom. She even got that Tennessee/Mississippi accent down right (well, I think so having lived in Alabama for 2 years).

Okay, I admit, that movie was awesome. It made me feel a little weird in the scene with all the college football coaches coming to recruit Michael. I remember that Southern/football mentality. That muchismo good ol' boys club. I couldn't stand that about the South and about radio.

Which brings me to 2 things...The South is totally what that movie says: Lots of "you need to be Christian" and then people acting like complete hypocrits. There's the clash of Southern hospitality with "wow, I never thought we'd adopt a black kid before we'd meet our first Democrat."

The other thing is I HATE THE GOOD OL' BOYS CLUB IN RADIO! I just have to accept it, if you don't play golf with the college football-lovin' old guy who's been married 8 times and hates any music that came out after 1980, you don't have a prayer. There was a time in radio that I didn't have to deal with these people. Then along came 2007 and getting bought out by a huge company and dealing with people who were all male and all intent on keeping radio on a tight tight playlist and burning songs into the ground.

I can't take it anymore. I listen to talk radio when I'm in a listening situation and since I hate commercials and hate conservative extremist right wing egomaniacs I listen to npr or the bbc or anything else with my wonderful invention called "The Squeeze Box" by Logitech (it picks up and plays in perfect stereo anything on your computer but it looks like a radio).

People have to realize that wonderful wonderful technology will save us from these "traditional" media outlets. There is no need to listen to Ryan Seacrest on 80 stations. Why let your life revolve around him? Expand your mind with stations from all over the world. Even if you don't have a Squeeze Box you can do it with your own computer.

Now, back to our movie.

Well, I really don't have anything left to say except that I was getting really tired of movies that lost steam by their second act. Movies like "Up in the Air" or "Where the Wild Things Are" or "The Invention of Lying." They all have great setups but then get so bogged down in slow jibbajabbah by the middle of the movie. At least "The Blind Side" kept going and if you weren't moved by it then you probably don't pump blood and cogitate like the rest of us humans.

Well, THAT WAS A BLOG ENTRY NOW WASN'T IT?!!?! Hope you enjoyed it and remember: If you're part of a militia now's about the time to wonder if killing a bunch of people because you're a bigot who can't stand a black man in the White House is really a smart move.

Might as well keep staring at your Palin poster and drooling. Oh, and do the rest of us a favor and DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE!

PS..."blind side" good.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


It's seems like the easiest thing to do. Voice acting. People who portray little dogs or genies or fish get paid the mega bucks.

Throughout my radio career people would say to me...hey! Why don't you audition to be in a cartoon? You can do that.

Yes, anyone can do that. Really, those actors getting paid for it are doing the least amount of work possible. "Oh, I had to actually pretend I was a bunny rabbit!" Big deal. Those actors are laughing all the way to the bank.

Mike Myers got 108,000 dollars a minute last time he played Shrek. Sadly, that's the only memorable thing he's done lately. Did you see him in Inglourious Basterds? What the heck was that? Did you see Love Guru? Ditto.

There was a time when actors made much much less portraying animated cartoon characters. These people did not have big names outside of the cartoon world. They specifically did cartoons. Nowadays you've got people doing live action and then cartoons. The reason lies in the fact that since Aladdin and Robin Williams drawing in huge audiences with his over-the-top antics, movie makers will only hire big names for their cartoons (well now, computer animated movies).

This is stretching to all areas of media. Nobody gets a break anymore because everything is farmed out to the major stars. Everyone wants a firm return on their investments so only the big names will do. The rest of the entertainment industry (show business) just kowtows to these few talentless overated dweebs.

I gave up on show business. I gave up on creative forms of expression on the movie or tv screen. I gave up on any written story ever truly touching me again. That is the most cynical thing I've ever written, but honestly what more can I say about it? I have had enough.

So as I avoid another green-ogre-farting-donkey movie, I will either be writing something full-of-sunshine on the internet or screaming at the poster of the new Twilight movie on the bus as it drives by.

So much to do.

Monday, March 22, 2010


What's with the crass shouting from the Republican side?

I know a lot of smart, civil Republicans. You can sit down and have a normal conversation with them.

But this weekend, you've got Tea Party members yelling racial epithets at politicians at our nation's capitol. You have a Republican politician yelling "baby killer" during a Democrat representative's speech. A Republican politician yelled "you lie" at the president during his speech to Congress a few months ago...what gives?

The party that endorses "family values" can't get a basic human value right...you don't shout bigoted comments...period! You don't shout out ANYTHING during someone's speech when you're sitting in the capitol. Isn't that considered a form of political treason? Free speech is allowed, but with some manners.

I don't know how anyone can say they're affiliated with the Tea Party after this weekend. If you are affiliated with the Tea Party you ARE a racist. Period. If you don't see what the basic underlying sentiment is of your party then you are flat out naive.

And if you were expecting to wake up this morning to a socialist/communist country, you are worrying about far too many things, my friend. You need to prioritize. Get a life...period.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Other than a job harrassing people coming out of super markets to sign petitions, I am not finding a single thing I'm qualified for. & can't 1 get a call back??
Dealerships are scary. They act like they're better than anyone. You can't have them pop the hood for less than 150. It pays to go to your local mechanic. Les$$

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Bay Area is turning into "cuts-ville." At the DMV and at star$$$ people cut infront of me! What is this 1st grade? I'll give out "rude tickets!" Chiloutyal

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I was listening to "World Have Your Say" today and heard an interesting discussion centered on what is perceived that women don't promote themselves enough. It then veered off to how women have to be "tougher" in the workplace for them to get ahead.

Many interesting women called in and commented on how they disagreed or agreed. I would like to say that I, as a male, have always witnessed this "good ol' boys club" mentality that seems to be everywhere in the business world (particularly in radio).

I was once told by a superior that I needed to be a jerk to my staff. I needed to treat them like a complete jerk (I use this word instead of the profanity that was actually said). I looked at him and said, "Okay" thinking in my head, is this really how this has to be?

I was always told and always believed that being a "nice person" will get you ahead. That simply isn't the case. The mean people are the one's on top, and they push the nice people down...they take advantage of them.

Veering away from the discussion of the show myself, I think that this "good ol' boy" mentality has done everything to hurt this country. This "mean person" mentality in the workplace only ends up hurting us all. There needs to be steps taken to reverse this.

How? With discussions like this. I'm blogging about it now, but I will speak to others about it. "World Have Your Say" doesn't have a huge radio following here in America, but across England and other English speaking countries it is listened to and many of these listeners chimed in.

We have a huge employment rate. Are the employers themselves to blame?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ok, it's look'n pretty obvious the Prius driver it San Diego was fak'n it. Our latest "balloon boy" person. Either that or he just does't know how 2 drive. Wtvr

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I gamble and lose all the time with the "check out line lotto". I always misjudge either the speed of the cashier or the customer in front of me. I always lose!
Looking forward to the new Dixie Chicks album without Natalie. I love her sound but it will be nice to hear the sisters unleash their creativity. I hope it's gd

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I love how the representative from Alabama gives the Republican response to the healthcare bill. That state has the worse dr's in the world! I got so sick there
Mom's worried about the recent rash of earthquakes & me living in the Bay Area. I tell her I walk doorjam to doorjam. No quake will stop me. So Californian! :-)
So I actually ended up watching that new Seinfeld show. My wife and I "hulu'd" it (as we don't ever EVER watch television) and we could not believe how bad it was.

What? You LIKED it? Why? You know, there's 80 billion episodes of "America's Funniest Home Videos" you still need to watch that are 10 times funnier than this. How can you take 2 of the funniest men in the world, Alec Baldwin and Jerry, and make them bland and boring? It HURT just watching them trying to hold back so not to get a big note from NBC corporate telling them "oh, that'll offend people. Tsk tsk. Edit before airing."

The thing is, Jerry used to NEVER hold back. You remember his TV show, nothing was off limits, and it was funny...AND EVERYONE LOVED IT! My mom and dad found it when it was in reruns and loved it. There is a brilliance to its outlandishness. This new Jerry-produced show that preempted the finale of the Olympics had anything but brilliance.

Usually at this point in my blog I'll go into a "why do we even watch TV anyway?" rant. Why do we even care? Is it some ridiculous nostalgic state we get into when we remember how many hours we spent in front of the tube when we were kids making it home to school before the parents? Oh, Brady Bunch is on!

More and more people are clicking off the TV and turning on their computers to weed out the crap and find only the best content. Hold back on buying that 80 inch TV screen and dropping loads of bucks on cable or a satellite dish. You may just want to increase the size of your computer monitor and put a couch by it for your family to sit down and watch. Just think of the money you'll save! (And you won't end up being a mindless automaton!) Less commercials, too!

There is no reason why we should watch shows like this. Hopefully, Seinfeld's horrible reality-show-meets-boring-panel will die a quick death.

But then again, I don't care, because I won't be watching anyway. Thanks Hulu for showing me what I'm NOT missing!

Monday, March 1, 2010

So did you hear? I didn't know till today because I, as you may or may not know, don't watch TV, but NBC DUMPED OUT OF THE OLYMPIC CLOSING CEREMONIES to show that new Seinfeld "Politically Incorrect" wannabe (that's a great way of getting that lead-in audience , NBC! A little obvious, huh? A little desperate?).

I am soooo glad I don't watch TV, just scavenger the good stuff off the internet or off DVD compilations. You have got to be kidding me if you still watch TV. You have got to have no life at all. There are books to read. There are websites to peruse (not talking porn). There is entertainment everywhere beyond the TV. Your life is tooooooo short! Get out there! Get beyond the idiot box. I don't care HOW BIG THEY'RE MAKING THOSE STUPID BOXES (now simply screens).

I should talk. I need to pick up a book to read soon. I have so much to get caught up on. I'm in my 40's. My life is certainly at least half way through, so I need to get a leg up. Love my wife more. Walk my boxer more. Listen to one of my 2000 cd's all the way through from start to finish. So much to do, so little time.

NBC canceled my Conan. They cowtowed to the Leno-big-chin-heads. They prefer to live in the past. They prefer to degrade and destroy beauty (in the Olympics, they cut them short, show games hours after they took place, and replayed the death of the luge competitor over and over). I don't much like other networks, as you can probably surmise from this blog.

Get thee to a book, a computer to scavenge "good" shows and to blog...and walk your dog.

Time's a wastin'!
2 recent movies dat poop out 1 hr in-Up In The Air & Couples Retreat. Both had such potential but then ego gets in the way! I was let down & u will b 2! My 10$$
I found out something no matter where you go...there's always someone in your way. Car in front of you has 2 wait till ped crosses, etc. We all must look outB-)